July 2nd, 2004, 06:40 AM
Major General
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Re: Help, I suck with Ulm!
Originally posted by Schmoe:
I don't really know a good counter to Wrathful Skies, though. What does Construction 7 give? Mechanical Men?
Mechanical Mans have the benefit of being immune to Wrathing, as well as all other elemental and poison attacks, as well as being nationally constructible in bulk by Ulm.
Enchantment 5 can grant Thunder Ward, but that requires you to have an Air mage to begin with.
Thunderward is nearly useless: It only grants partial lightning resistance, which is insufficient to actually stop it from killing you. Unless it can stack with something else to achieve full immunity, it will not prevent everyone from dying, because in Dominions, anything which can kill you, will, when applied as indiscriminately as Wrathing is.