July 11th, 2004, 05:21 PM
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Re: Getting a blood economy going
Originally posted by Huzurdaddi:
I suppose this is due to the value many players place on SC's. I guess they are the way to go and that troops are kind of useless.
Depends totally on what you are facing. While troops alone almost never (mandragoras spring to mind...) beat sc's, but troops and mages together can easily be as effective, or more, as the best sc's. The main difference is that the sc's are a lot more mobile, as it's lot easier to give out-of-battle flying to one unit than 100. But having a mage/troops spearhead taking out the nastiest sc's can be very worthwhile. The problem there ofc is that mages/troops are a lot more vulnerable to stuff like murdering winter etc.
When designing anti-sc mage group, you need 2 things.
1st, something to stop the sc from killing your expensive mages. This can be staff of storms, that slows down fliers long enough so the mage can do his thing, Enlivend statues or pale riders in large enough quantity that the sc can't beat them all too quick, or just wads of militia or crossbreed fodder with Will of the fates and mistform cast, assuming your killing squad isn't using anything hp-dependent.
2nd, something to kill the sc. This is usually a single mage casting some particularly nasty spell. This spell should not be resistable by the target's mr or any of the resistances the target has. Good examples range from drain life (because of the fatigue this causes to the target this is very good), banefire, solar rays (as a plus nothing upsets your oppenent more than getting his best and finest killed by massed castings of lowly solar rays...), stellar cascades, and my personal favourite, Petrify, whose paralysation cannot be resisted.
(edit)some spelling fixes(/edit)
[ July 11, 2004, 17:51: Message edited by: Tuna-Fish ]