Re: Speeding Up Tien Chi Spring and Autumn ?!
But you _can't_ switch to Order-3 with S&A. It requires Turmoil-1 or greater.
If S&A is weak, it is probably (IMO) a symptom of order still being worth more than its point cost, and order needs to be nerfed again; or turmoil is too risky because of catastrophic events even with a strong luck scale, and more catastrophes need to require luck 0 or less, 1 or less, 2 or less. (It is of course still possible for the followers of a lucky god to be struck by catastrophes - but only by the active malevolence of a hostile god or his people, not by chance which is ruled by their own god.) Their military isn't that much worse than base TC, and their mages are better, plus they have the demon summons.
BK has the same problem - required turmoil - plus their units can't work the way they are supposed to (hit and run splits up your army and strands many units without commanders, pillaging enemy territory is too slow and you risk losing a lot more gold than you gain if your raid force is caught; worse, if you're raiding while other nations are taking and holding, you'll be weaker in the long term).
People do not like to be permanently transformed and would probably revolt against masters that tried to curse them with iron bodies.
Pigs, on the other hand, are not bothered, or at least they don't complain.
-- Dominions II spell manual