August 4th, 2004, 03:59 AM
Join Date: May 2003
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Originally posted by Sheap:
In the single player game, if you attack the computer players' home province, it will draw their fleets like a magnet, saving the annoying "whack a mole" syndrome.
I assume you mean his capitol. That won't work for me. In my game, I'm fighting the Caelum AI and they're far and away the most powerful nation on the map. They've taken down the Jotuns, Pythium and Machaka and now only me and Abyssia are left. This means that his capitol is a long, long way away from where I am.
I think Caelum's troops are crap compared to mine, since I get huge kill ratios in my favor all the time whenever I can catch one of their armies, but like I said, I can't field enough armies to hold a frontline against them, so they're all over the place.
What I'm doing right now is summoning an angelic host every 3 or 4 turns and having them raid behind enemy lines destroying temples. Caelum seems to have a temple in every province they control.
Note: Abyssia shares a border with me but don't seem to be attacking me. Is the AI smart enough to realize that it should ally with another nation to beat off a more powerful enemy even though there's no diplomacy in the game?