Just to point out, Stormie, I didn't "promise" not to flame you. And funny how it's "profanity" when I use an acronym with a prominent 4 letter word, but apparently isn't when you do the same, including the same 4 letter word's initial?
And I didn't flame you - I stated my opinion of you. And it stands, given that you lied, and lied, and, "you lied like a salesman, selling flies"

with all your statements about my lying, etc.
And, sweetcheeks? Again - saying I have no interest in flaming you isn't promising that I won't. And if you keep misrepresenting things, I may. ( Then again, at the moment you have a posse of fanboys who won't be swayed from thinking you're the bees knees, which suits your messiah complex just fine. )