Without getting into great detail I just have to say I love Paradox games (but always wait until patch 3+

). I also love Dom2, but I think Paradox vs. IW is an apples to oranges comparison, and there's no real way to come up with a "winner".
I tend to think of Paradox games (all that I've played anyhow: HOI, Vicky, EU II) almost more as historical simulations, rather than pure games. When you look at their forums and the arguments held there its astounding how passionate (and knowledgeable!) the participants get into the details of historical considerations of proper design/implementation of the game. I think there are flaws in any Paradox game, but I suspect they often arise from designers (and most of their players) tendency that when faced with those inevitable design tradeoffs that must be faced with any game project, they'll often go for a sense of historical accuracy/realism rather than for gameplay or for balance.
By contrast, Dom2 has the pleasant premise that requires absolutely
no interest in historical accuracy!

Instead, it has at its foundation a profoundly interesting two prongs of development (or better said "orthogonal axes") that constantly force the player to choose between economic/magic development and the spread of their pretender's religious/dominion development. Given how incredibly complex Dom2 is (in terms of number of units, econonomic system, magic and number of spells, choices and configuration of pretenders, etc.), it is astounding how well balanced this game is.
Well, all that said is considerably more detail than I intended, but so it goes
Anyhow, this Last note on balance should serve as a caution to those that would change the routing rules. Personally, I'm sympathetic, but I think there are balance issues here, and that does make this more tricky than it might seem. I've more to say, but I think I'm going to do that on the
Poll: morale and routing thread, as that's better suited to specific proposals.