Having been playing TBS games for many years, i think that Dom 2 is just plain awesome.
Best TBS game since Master of magic, only Heroes of m&m 3, Alpha centauri, Imperialism 2 or Age of wonders comes close to Dom2 imo.
There's one think i'd like to see in Dom 3 (or in a mod but i doubt it):
- Scrolls -
Let me explain :
- At the start of the game, the spell research lists are empty
- All the spells would be scattered on the map in the form of scrolls
- They would be placed inside the map sites randomly, according to the site levels
- Any commander could enter a site, defeat a guarding neutral army & pick up the scrolls
- Bringing a scroll to any lab would unlock the corresponding spell and * only * add it to the research list
Thats the basic idea .
Though it doesn't change anything to the core rules of Dom2, which i think are near perfect

it would add some more stategic/fun elements :
- Map exploration more exciting
- Capturing enemy labs more rewarding by gaining access to their research list.
- Less cookie-cutter strategies : Adapt your strategy according to the spells you can cast.
Well just an idea for Dom3, hope it made sense