Best Ulm troops early/mid? ArmorPierce v ArmorNeg
I am playing Ulm for the first time. I know what leaders I want to build, but I'm not sure which of their troops to build. I want to use gold on leaders so am hoping to save on my troop buys a little (i.e. don't want to buy a lot of cavalry)
Btw, how do shields affect missile hit/damage?
BP Inf (morningstar+shield) - seem like the best buy to me.
BP Pikeneer - better morale but no shield, will do great vs indy troops but will die vs indy archers. Probly a no-buy?
Crossbowman - 1 attk every 3 rounds is weak. Probly a no-buy?
Guardian - better morale, great weapon, but twice the gold cost. Probly a no-buy?
Cav - great but expensive. Probly a no-buy?
Other units of note?
Any deep thoughts?
P.S. Does Armor Negate mean protection is not used at all while Armor Pierce means 1/2 protection is used?