Re: I suck with Pythium ... please help!
Boron, the reason why you don't see many people arguing with you is an age-old one. People who are happy with the status quo don't need to make a noise to get what they want; they already have it.
Cainehill made the key point. If Caelum with False Horror is so broken, why is Caelum not dominant in most or all MP games? This is in fact a theme in these discussions. Every week we hear about a new tactic which is clearly broken and a guaranteed game-winner. Yet none of them turn up that regularly in my MP experience, and when they do they don't show any sign of guarranteeing victory.
Anyway, the whole point about multi-player diplomatic games is that they're self-balancing. If Caelum really did become that dominant, then everybody's behaviour towards it would change. So if all else fails, Ulm's defense against Caelum is to pay Abysia to stab him in the back!