Boron said:
I would love to see your strat once in a mp game because it is really great but i am curious about the time by when you achieve your special strats
Oh I know my stuff is very inefficient. I play almost entirely solo and on larger maps than Illwinter has for download.
I like the Lord of the Hunt (he sneaks and tosses LOTS of Maenads). And have had fun with Carrion Dragon using the CW theme.
In MP games I dont play to win so I tend to stay out of the discussions about "winning strategies". I have a number of choices. I play to be an indispensable ally providing tons of info on other players, harassing them, jumping up as a surprise to ruin their well laid plans, things like that. Or I play the breaking-dam game. Long buildup waiting for someone to decide to attack me then washing over them like a flood keeping us both from winning.
In one game I actually held out as a major pain for a long time after losing my provinces and later even my god. I kept my units sneaking around the map taking undefended provinces, jacking the taxes to 200%, building defense, and sneaking on. I forced the player to completely rework his strategy of large armies, SC god and units, and no money on PD. He had to take time to revamp just to get rid of me.
Think of Data in that episode where he is forced to challenge a guy in StratGema. He changes his strategy from trying to win, to remaining in the game instead.
If you cant beath them, then join them.
If you cant beat or join them, then try to be a surprise.
Some play to win or lose, others to stay in the game.
Are we talking about games? Or life in general?