Gandalf Parker said:
Stormbinder said:
That's nice setup Gandelf and I agree, it is certanly fun. But I think it can only work once in MP if you are playing against good opponent, since the next turn you will likely to get a Ghost Riders/other magical-summon/teleport attack on your "Christmas present" province. If it has just bunch of amazons set on "hellbind" and air 5 mage, as your described, it'll not stop this attack, and your mages will be killed/routed. If your opponent would also block all retreat routes than all your mages will be lost.
I admit that I dont remember being at the other end of windride. I suppose it does say where the commander went.
Having troops or defence there tended to kill the sucker before I could convert him so I knew I was taking chances with no troops and no defence. I usually had my windmage set for a couple of actions and then retreat or some sort of safety transport. It was the only piece of importance. Taking back the province is no big deal.
It might not be an ultimate strategy but its a fun one to keep in the carddeck just in case you get the chance to use it.
Oh, it is certanly fun, I agree.

I never tried to set up such "presents" factory on the regular basis that you have described. It would be interesting to try in on of my MP games, just for the heck of it.