National colors are fun!
These colors are as accurate as you get. I copied the colors from the flags with Paint Shop Pro and read the HTML code.
Abysia - BD0000
Atlantis - 0C47A9
Pythium - 9F2DB0
Man - 0B5308
Ulm - 08337E
C'tis - 6C7C00
Arcoscephale - 008C87
Caelum - 5259F0
Ermor - 5E3A76
Marignon - CD4200
Pangaea - 009200
Vanheim - 700000
Jotunheim - 64300C
R'lyeh - 0D3731
Mictlan - 345735
T'ien Ch'i - B4404E
Machaka - C94A00