Reactor Modding
I'm currently trying to figure out how to add a series of Reactors into SE4. Basically, they will be 10kT comps that are required on all ships and bases. The first one you get will probably just give a few extra supplies, but increasingly powerful ones will add more supplies, movement bonuses, shield/weapon bonuses, supply regeneration, eventually ending with the Quantum Reactor with it's infinite supplies and all the other bonuses.
My problem is I with the shield/weapon bonuses. With shields, I want the bonus to be a percentage of the total. So, an Anti-Matter Reactor that gives 20% shield bonus would add 20pts to a ship with 100pts base, but at 200pts to a ship with 1000pts base.
With weapons, does anyone know if the values from CompEnhancement.txt will work in Components.txt? So if I add a Damage Percent ability onto my Reactor, will it actually increase the damage of the ship's weapons?
Any hints would be much appreciated.
Suction feet are not to be trifled with!