Naah, Cyclops was too expensive. I would have to take Cold 2 or 3, and that would put the Cyclops at disadvantage. Production AND Magic severely limit the scales you can take down. Dragon was somewhat cheaper, and immune to cold, but it was hard to expand rapidly and research fast when your only ressearcher is a dragon... and I had to dump Earth 4, so the Vanir took hit from cold instead.
I tried Caelum, and they have Son of Niefel. He seems to be best chassis for Water9-Earth4. Temple Guards rock, a frontline of 7 of them held heavy cavalry of the first farmlands I took, and I think they even killed most of them. Unfortunately, my prophet was on 'hold' rather 'hold and cast', so they weren't blessed... I lost 2.
Still, Claymen are quite weak as they have bad def and even less prot I thought. 25 hps don't help much. I don't think W9E4 for claymen and uber-Temple Guards are competitive enough in serious multiplayer. If I could take him with Vanheim it could be worth it... Anything with W9 and Vanir can't totally suck!