Renegade 13 said:
Gozra said:
We have found a bit of information to be entertaining. It seems that four empires have formed a kill everyone but us alliance. The pladino collective have become an apendage to these four. I would suggest that all who are not part of this alliance form an anti-alliance Alliance. I would be willing to be a part of this alliance until the 4 are destroyed. Next turn I will offer partnerships to all those who are not of the 4. You may do as you will.
The Hamamatsu Federation
I assume you're talking about the Atull game. Well, seeing as how I'm one of the empires that is a victim of the 4 empire alliance, I would be willing to join you. Or rather, I would be willing, except that I have lost nearly all of my planets, almost all of my ships, and will declare myself dead within a couple of turns. So no need to propose a partnership to the Tyrellian Imperium
It is an unfortunate product of the game set up - it encourages these early partnerships and trading/research deals. You have to engage in them or you get left behind. Perhaps the next round should have a strict no treaty above NA and no trading including ships.
And speaking as the Dei to the Hams... If you were brave enough to pick religious you were always going to be a target.