Gandalf Parker said:
Carrion Dragon but be sure to put the magics on him equal to the Pan-looking guy so you can create carrion leaders without having to buy a mage. OR I take Lord of the Wild to get the Maenads back that I lost by taking the theme. I also love making an assassin out of him later.
Sure - I think _any_ CW pretender you probably want N3 and D4 (at least D2) on. Even if you plan to recruit a Panic Apostate right away (and prophetize to reduce upkeep), it's handy being able to conjure up a carrion lord on the front lines with your pretender, not to mention finding magic sites to boost the nature and death income. Then add paths (since you have plenty of points) for forging, summonings, searching, and let's not forget, Super-combatanting.