Being impatient I have taken finding a game into my own hands. Just long enough to put the game in reverend's hands.
Seriosly though, this is my first dom2 mp game. Reverend is hosting though and I'll listen to the voice of experience so it shouldn't be a problem.
I was thinking these settings:
- Map: Zen's cradle
Found here:
Unzip in maps directory. Use with cradle.tga found here:
- Players: See below.
- Hosting: starting 24qh, later 48qh
- Victory condition: One vp per capital + 6 free vp's. 9 needed for win.
- Indies: 9
- Sites: 45
- HoF: 15
- Research: Very difficult
- Graphs: On
- Renaming: On
- Rest default
- Clams, fever fetishes, soulcontracts, vampirelords Banned. You may have no more than 5 Bloodstones.
ckfnpku .......... Marignon
Legacyspy ........ Man
Leblanc .......... Machaka
The_taurent13 .... C'tis
Nappa ............ Pangea
RonD ............. Pythium
rex_havoc ........ Caelum
rylen ............ Abysia