New game idea: \"theocide\"
So, I was thinking of starting another game, but I would like some feedback on whether there would be any actual interest about the sort of game I have in mind (if there is at least someone else, I will proceed to create the appropriate thread in the MP forum).
As the title says it, it would revolve around the idea of killing a Pretender to defeat the nation, as your Pretender wouldn't get any second chance. If she is killed once, no Call God this time, and your nation would either go to the AI, or be seriously weakened by the nasty host. Immortals may be a problem, which could be solved in a couple of ways: being an Immortal could allow you to die (and be called back) once, but you would otherwise lose the Immortal privileges, or this ability could simply be removed from all Pretenders.
A variant that may be more interesting would be to put one unit in all the capitals, based on the Sphinx (so unable to Teleport), and which would happen to be immobile. Other than that, this unit would probably be your ordinary human commander, with regular slots, statistis and abilities. It would probably be called an Oracle of some sort, or a link allowing the Pretender to stay in the material world, or...
Has such a game be attempted before? Would it appeal to anyone among us? Does it seem too close to a standard game? (I would think so for the first variant, since a Pretender should not have much trouble running away. On the other hand, that might limit the use of SCs) Do I ask too many questions?