By The Way, your neighbor line could be used by someone for computing "quickest path from A to B" routines. Very nice.
DomMap added some info to its output for programming special sites and such..
#neighbour 49 50
#neighbour 51 53
#neighbour 52 53
#terrain 1 2 -- L-S0L2
#terrain 2 208 -- L-S0L1
#terrain 3 130 -- L-S0L4
If a province is L-S4L1 then its saying its Land with 4 Sea neighbors and 1 Land neighborsm or a penninsula. L-S4L0 would be Land with 4 Sea and no Land neighbors, or an island. S-L4S0 would be Sea with 4 land neighbors and no Sea neighbors, or a lake. Yoiu might want to do something like that but probably in a more user format like actually saying island and lake.