As many of you (maybe) know, I've been a faithful MM beta tester (I've done SE4, SE4 Gold, SF, and DO, Matt Selnekovic is the name in the credits I think). I've been eagerly anticipating beta testing SE5.
Testing for SE5 begins in the spring, IIRC. Exactly when I go to San Mateo, California to begin my internship in computer science. For 23+ weeks. Without my computer; shipping my entire rig (easily 75+ lbs) cross country to a hotel room won't, it costs too much. The computers at work will be pathetic Dells with onboard sound and video. And I doubt testing at their facilities will be smiled upon.
I wish I had a laptop, but again, the cost is too great for a poor college student like me.
It looks like my name isn't going into the credits of SE5 after all...