Re: OT: What Do You Do At 4:00 a.m.
When I was in the hospitol back in Oct 2002, they had me in a drug induced coma. I don't remember much about what happened, except that I had a lot of fights with people. I was hit several times, and had the bruses to prove it aftwards. I guess I was not a very nice guy and was acting quite hostily toward people.
Any ways, while I was out, I recall having some of the most vivid dreams of my life. When I would occationally regain conciousness, usally because someone had forgotten to switch out the I.V. and it had ran out, it was like reality was a bad dream. I would wake up and know that I was in a hospital room and would look around and see the nurse or a family member looking at me. Then all I wanted to do was go back to the illusions in my mind because they were so much better than that. I would cry when I would wake up because it meant that the dream was but a dream and the reality of my life was that I was strapped into a hospitol bed in ICU with a very slim chance for surival. (So slim that my family was told to make furneral arrangments.)
I pulled through, and to this day I only remember a few of the dreams, and they seemed more real and were more desirable than what I had, and what I had was real life. Go figure.
The funny thing is, I could still be in that coma and not even know it. Now isn't that a twisted bit of triva.
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