Balancing Wrathful Skies
I like WC and I think it is a valid, if somewhat boring, tactic to use it. I do think, however, that options for utilizing valid counters to it could be increased. Here are a couple of small suggestions.
1. Make Staff of Storms a Very Powerful magic item
2. Some counter-spells could be thought of, here is one idea I posted in the Wishlist:
Sunburst: Conjuration 6, Fire4 Astral1, Fatigue 200-, calls for the warm rays of the sun upon the battlefield, clearing the skies, and thus has a chance (mage casting strength + d6oe vs. opposing mage casting strength + d6oe) of eliminating any any storms, mists, or rain currently active; in addition, it automatically casts "fanaticsm" once upon coming into effect.
What do you think?