OT: What would you do...?
...if you saw a UFO? I'm talking about if you saw something that you were positive was an alien craft? Would you tell anyone? Let's assume you had no proof that you saw it.
I sure hope I never see one. Because I'm the kind of person who is highly skeptical. It's not that I think people are lying, but I just can't believe in them unless I see one for myself. I just saw a show on TV last night were there were numerous eyewitnesses to several events. These witnessess seem very credible and normal. They are also not trying to make any money or fame for themselves over the sightings. In one case 1 trucker saw a craft and called 911. FIVE other policemen in at least 2 counties reported seeing the same craft as it moved across Arizona (not sure when but this is an older story).
There are other reports of sightings from pilots, Air Force personnel and other highly credible witnesses. But that just doesn't do it for me.
I do believe that we are not the only sentient life forms in the universe, but I also believe that statistically and by all the (limited) technology we understand, it's just not likely that anyone is near enough to visit. This isn't proof by any means, it's just what I believe.
I don't know how or even if I would try to convince others if I had seen something. I guess for me there would have to be absolutely no doubt in my mind about what I saw before I said anything to anyone. I would have to be close enough to see enough detail before I would even consider it to be non-terrestrial. I know if I started claiming such a thing, it would jeopardize my job and people would think I'm crazy.
I sure hope I never see one.