GAme idea Careers
ok heres my idea fo a game
5 companys
5 races
ok the 5 races do as they please only one problem they cant build any ship bigger then an escort! so the five corparations get to sell various items and services to the five players
Rules:the five players may do whatever they fell declare war etc wetc however the five companys are nuetreal and are immune to anything the races do but the companys are free to war with each other and use inteligence like steal desingns and stuff from the other corps
the races can only interact with themselves only buying things and services from the companys
the companys may only attack each other however they may notdeclare war they may only declare a partnership and subjegation
the corparations my even ileagely restrict spaceways and do otherr things to help a war effort.
Some rule some serve
some declare wars some
fight them
i declare wars i rule
you serve you fight
we are not the same.....
never forget that..