Here is the corrected version.
Cost = (2.7 * MagicRes) + (.6 * TacMove) + (.7 * RegLdr) +
(29.4 * FullRand) + (37.2 * ElemRand) + (26.9 * SorcRand) + (37.5 * Blood) +
(30.6 * Death) + (32.8 * Earth) + (33.2 * Fire) + (37.8 * Nature) +
(31.8 * Astral) + (33.2 * Water) + (16.3 * Holy) + (30.8 * Unholy) +
(2.5 * Att_Def) + (12.9 * Air_Prec) + (11.0 * HP_Str)
Att_Def = ((Att - 9.4) / 2.1) + ((Def - 9.5) / 3.2)
Air_Prec = ((Air - .3) / .7) + ((Prec - 10.6) / 1.9)
HP_Str = ((HP - 12.8) / 8.1) + ((Str - 10.5) / 3.2)
Here are the mismatch lists. The lists changed a little, so I also include the
ones that dropped off.
Mage Real_Price Formula
Starspawn 150 294
Sorceress 110 200
Centaur Hierophant 80 166
Asmeg Jarl 160 241
Troll King 150 229
Master 5 Elem 190 269
Witch Doctor 80 144
Sidhe Champion 140 203
Amber Clan Mage 160 220
Circle Master 100 160
Garnet Priestess 100 153
Theurg 150 210
*Sidhe Lord 280 274
Grand Master 270 317
Warrior Mage 200 142
Pan 350 290
Hydromancer 180 117
Starspawn 280 216
Navigator 180 102
High Priest of Sun 390 306
Lizard King 280 179
Capricorn 350 247
Anathemant Dragon 360 232
Alchemist 300 122
*Arch Theurg 380 339
Niefel Jarl 500 443
*Hangadrott 400 361
* These had database errors earlier.