Re: MP Game - Yarnspinners
Oh, and Zen, about you post:
Glad you like the Dramatis Personae; I've fallen a bit behind on updating it, but maybe that's because it takes more to become an important enough character later in the story (just like in the Hall of Fame...)
How fancy a website are you thinking? My original idea for my site was to take everyone's yarns and post them on pages by player (so you can read a story all the way through) and by turn (so you can see what was happening each turn). Then I realized I'd have to crawl through the pages of this thread and extract all the story posts, being careful to keep the fancy formatting, and I got lazy and just went with the Dramatis Personae.
Perhaps for Yarnspinners 2: The Vengeance, players could submit their yarns to whoever was maintaining the game webpage, and the webmaster could add them with minimal formatting (UBB is easy to convert; I use HTML mostly anyways) to the appropriate running pages. For example, Arco's report for Turn 42 would be on both turn42.html and arco_yarns.html. Players could also send text/pictures for a Dramatis Personae at, say, arco_personae.html, as desired. (If we go with astral pearl-based rewards, perhaps you would get one every 5-10 turns if you kept your character list up to date.)
The game page in the forums could either have duplicates of the turns or not, however we want to do it, but would also have links to the external page. That way people playing wouldn't have to know how to maintain a website, but people reading it would have a lot easier time picking up in the middle and keep track of what was going on. Plus there might be more pictures (since it's a pain to upload more than one per post to the forums).