gregebowman said:
By the time that the original BSG came out, I was about 15, and all those action figures didn't interest me. I'm still kicking my butt for getting rid of all of my GI Joes when I turned 13. So I didn't collect a gold mine of Star Wars action figures either. If I had only known.....
Back to the new series. I hope this last episode they aired wasn't the season finale. SPOILER ALERT: I mean, they can't just stop it with Adama getting shot by Boomer and leave it at that, not without Starbuck coming back with the arrow. The trailer looked a new episode was coming out friday, but I thought that BSG was getting a 2 episode finale like STG Alantis was getting. I'll have to watch it and see, I guess.
My understanding is that this past episode was the season finale. The good news is that the new shows should be ready in July! whoot!