Endoperez said:
Few things that would spice things up:
*Give the animal/charmer nation Wolfherds, make Summon Animals their national spell and make it slightly cheaper. Take away most recruitable animals so that they won't have to pay too much upkeep for the summoned critters.
*For more Ielyft creatures, check the R'lyeh mod 'False Dawn '
*consider giving some nations unique starting units, kind of heroes that exist from the beginning.
These sound like good ideas, the only reason I did not give them the summon animals spell was because I shied away from stealing to many spells to be nation only.
On balance, I would rather weaken one strong nation than have to strengthen all of the rest. Though perhaps a national starting hero for most would be do-able.
80 may be a bit much for resource cost, but on the other hand, mech men are one of the best summons out there.