Re: List of known issues
After more sleep, I conclude I was probably wrong about the prophet's blessing issue -- likely confused due to playing when I should have been sleeping. An enslaved prophet does lose his priestly magic, 'tho, if he wasn't a priest (because magic is re-rolled based on the unit type, including holy/unholy) but the prophet flag still remains (even when a unit pre-GoR), and hp/etc vary based on owner's dominion. I don't have the saved game with me at the moment, but I think it also retained a 'sacred' flag, which might have interesting (ab)uses in a multiplayer game. And the unit was a Black Lord, not something normally sacred, IIRC.
Haven't checked to see whether one can grab an 'unholy' flag as well. If so, hm, could one get both Unholy and Holy on the same unit (enslave an unholy prophet, make him your own holy prophet?). Athematic if possible.
Other bits do seem real, 'tho (e.g. why are Tartarian Spirits amphib but Titans not? Are Titans considered to be fleshy bane/wight-types or Soulless?)
Regarding scouts, IIRC units with 0 leadership get special treatment. I once had a 0-leadership assassin-type get a Heroic General-type ability he wasn't allowed to use, but it's been a lot of patches ago and I don't know if this is still possible.
Another bit that strikes me as odd: the AI seems to rarely, if ever, attempt to cast Dispel -- unless it's simply not reporting it when the Dispel fails and it's consistently undershooting.
I'm a bit tempted to think that the Soulstone of the Wolves is too good for the price, because the sheer number and placement of wolves gives a huge number of very distracting targets, even during a castle storming battle; and if the user casts army buffs after a few turns (Wolves with Antimagic, Marble Warriors and Battle Fortune? Or Haunted Forest?) or if the flanks are unprotected they can be far more than a distraction. Needs to be considered in the context of whether Nature magic and Cons-8 are reasonable overall, however.
Are we insane yet? Are we insane yet? Aiiieeeeee...