Re: Suggestions for Space Empires V
One thing I'd like to see is the ability to modify ship components/building facilties with technologies as opposed to having to create a new component for each possible combination of technology.
Thus, one could have the Mega Uber Laser, research up on lens technology to make it do more damage, research up on minituraization to make it smaller (and thus fit more on the ship), research manufacturing methods to make it cheaper, ect... And this is all just one component. None of this model I, II, III, ect...
Old ships would still use the outdated versions until retrofitted, which I imagine would make things a lot more complicated since the ship no longer is a collection of components and now the game has to remember the individual stats, but I think it would be more rewarding as a whole.
Imagine, say, the cities in Proportions where all of the mineral extraction, research technologies, shielding technologies, storage technologies... _Everything_, made the city better in some way.
Second is unset ship sizes. The ability to use a simple slider/text box to scale the size up and down to any value desired, as governed by some non-linear function. Ideally, hull technologies will increase the sizes that can be used before cost becomes incredibly prohibitive. So no more cases of having unused space on the ship becaue of odd-sized hull components, plus there's less concern with the enemy getting dreadnauts first. Everyone can build dreadnauts in the beginning, it's just a matter of how much they're willing to spend. This better reflects the mentality that _anything_ is possible with enough manufacturing capital, it's just that technology is what makes it feasable.
Finally, I'd like to see better upgrade management. In SEIV, upgrading from one facility to the next only halved the cost of the new facility. Thus, in games like Proportions, it was cheaper to build a minor city (cost of 15kT across the board) and upgrade it to a metropolis (cost of about 200kT across the board, saving a total of 85kT of production) than it was to build the metropolis outright. It'd be nice if the current facility only applied, say, 80% of it's value to the new facility.