The AI Complaint
Over the last few years the number one complain about SEIV seems to have been the AI. With all do honesty I would like to counter the arguement that the AI in SEIV is weak. It is not. In fact it is quite good AI given the limitations of AI scripting in general for games like these.
It is next to impossible to simulate a true human response in an AI but SEIV does a wonderful job of simulating it.
Granted, the political aspect of the game is, in my humble opinion, one of the weakest parts of the game over all, and this does factor into how the AI works overall. Never the less, the AI, when properly configured, can be quite challenging for a single player.
Now I have played many games over the years and I have to say that the AI in this game does a far better job than most games in this genra. Games such as Rebellion and Birth of the Federation.
Compare SEIV AI to games like MOO, MOO2, and MOO3 and you can see that SEIV AI is on equal footing but has one huge advantage over the others, its extremely moddable.
That being said is without a doubt the shining star of Space Empires IV AI. It can be heavily modded and or customized.
The game allows for bonuses and difficulty settings that also enhance the AI's ability, albeit by cheating, to challenge a human player.
Over all, asided from the political aspect of the game, the AI is quite good and does a very decent job of challenging a player when poperly configured.
So the next time someone says that the AI in this game is weak, just remind them to give the AI max difficulty and bonus, while they take 50% on all charateristics for themselves. Then lets see who has the last laugh.
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Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.