Fort Ownership Switching Bug??
I just encountered a bug that *switches control* of a fort from one empire to another without battles! I've never seen such an extraordinary bug in dom2!!
So, I was playing a game against a friend of mine and was giving him a solid beating. But one of his remnant forces attacked a province containing one of my forts (Witches Copse). Foolishly, I had forgotten to withdraw the patrollers that turn and his army slaughtered them. Then later on in the turn, the Lord of the Wild Hunt (i cast it a few turns back) attacked and killed one of his mages at the - now seiged we assume - province of witches copse.
Ok, whatever right? But then even later in my message list I see the message "we have now taken control of the province of witch's copse. Our forces met no resistance.". What the heck????? That province was just seiged by enemy forces, how could I have "taken control" of it. So I open up my turn and there it is: The attacking enemy army is now INSIDE my own fort!! And all my forces that were inside it are outside, laying seige to thier own fort!!!
Has anyone ever seen this? Turn file attached.