Re: What Is The Status Of The Star Wars Mod?
Hi Inti!
Hey let me at first congratulate about being out of hospital. I hope you really regenerate fast and completely. We have all missed you!
Now for "business"
Do you have thought about installing the Imperial Gunboat,Missileboat, Lambda Shuttle and Scimitar Bomber as "shuttles", like the Shuttle class in Star Trek Mod?
They could serve as "warpcapable" vessels replacing the Drone class, as i do not remember any drones in the sense SE IV stock uses them in Star Wars ( okay there are the droid-capsules as used on Hoth ).
The motto could be : stronger than fighters, faster than capital ships or something like that .
One has to think about something adequate for the rebels then, but perhaps they could be allowed to have their fighters go warp instead.
Will you make something out of the New Jedi Order Timeline too? As the Yuuzhang Vong might be a really tough one enemy to all others in the SW universe.....
Number One! Red Alert, shields up and please escort Ensign Crusher to airlock 21, without a spacesuit!