Hello! I made an array with experience depending on countrys and units types and I think there are some funny points:
my array:
---------------US---UK---G---Fr---Italia---Russ---South Africa---------Canada
Base --------75---80---75--70---70-----68-------------75-----------------75
and then for "special" troops we have:
UK: Ghurkas 90/85 (morale/experience), RM 90/85
It:Bersaglieri 85/85
Fr:foreign Legion 85/85
Conclusion: a standard UK unit, has 80, and when scoot 83
The UK scoots have the same experience than french commados!!!
The french foreingn Legion, known to be one of the best corp of the world has less experience than Uk paratroops and bersaglieri!!!
I think it's not realistic, because if english paratroopers have proven to be very very good (falkland... etc) and are known for that all around the world, and even if UK army is one of the best army in the world, thoses differencies are to great. French army and especialy the foreign legion are really often deployed everywhere in the world and his experience of combat and peacekeeping is really superior to German, Italian, canadian or !!! South African capacities....
Note that for exemple, US Marines stopped their common jungle training with French Foreign legion, because it was too hard for them: this unit is composed of people from USA, UK, Germany, Spain,... who have no other possibility than to obey, and there are no cases since 1867 that Foreign Legion soldiers did surrender... The loses in trainig can be of 10% in some "commando"-called trainings. (It is naturaly not the same for the whole french army...)
So, it would be great of you to chance french country training and experience mods, because I think it would be better...
Naturaly, I can be wrong, in that because I am french (didn't you guess?
) and everybody thinks that his army is the best of the world...
Thank you for responding, and excuse me for the bad english.
best regards