gauging interest. save game perl script
Well not sure why but I never got to actually using the Java dom save utility. I had problems with jre this and classpath that and probably I wasn't patient enough to get it to work.
So after some time of stupidly saving turns by manually copying them I decided to write a small perl script to save turns.
So I did.
It can save and restore turns.
It is configurable.
It is OS independent.
It is CLI (though if there's interest I might add a GUI to it).
I am using it and find it very convenient.
I am trying to gauge if there's interest in this tool.
If so I can upload it, also If there are any suggestions as to how it can be even more useful I can consider and maybe add them.
One use for it that I can imagine is for PBEM hosts - it can be used as an easy way to save all turns.
Usage (from script documentation):
"Usage [v|c|s|l] [game name] [turn number].
1 To save turn 14 of game named "ermor" do: s ermor 14.
2 To load turn 14 of game named "ermor" do: l ermor 14.
3 To configure values of dominions II path and save game root path do: c.
4 To view configuration parameters values do: v
In the zip file is the perl script (you need to install perl for it to work)
also is a .save_dom_conf file, this is an example of the configuration file on my system.