Need help with population happiness
I've always chosen "Peaceful" as my race type, and because in most games I've had the upper hand it didn't hurt me too much. In the "building" stage of games it makes my population grow like rabbits, which is very useful.
Now however, the only two players left besides myself in a particular PBW game have broken the cardinal rule of role-playing and decided to gang up on me so they won't "lose." They were good allies and I wasn't really expecting it, so in the last 5 or 6 turns I've lost 10 or 12 colonies and a few ship battles.
Suddenly I find myself with an empire so plagued by "Rioting" that a planet base once fully capable of supporting my fleets is now running at -400,000 minerals per turn!!!
Is this Racial Trait really that pervasive? Even systems nowhere near the action and planets loaded with troops and training fleets are "Angry" or at the very least "Unhappy." Any planet with less than 1000 pop is rioting.
At this rate, I will lose the game just because of overall population happiness. I've tried Urban Pacification Centers but they are ineffective it would seem. Tried building some and was informed that I "already have similar facilities with system-wide capabilies." And these in systems that are already rioting heavily.
Is there any hope?
Aa Turam Empire
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'We, the weird, chasing the pointless, for no reason at all, have been finding out things that have no effect on anything important for at least a couple days and are now qualified to chase our tails to the merriment of all watching.'-Narf et al
"Of course, you don't want to be going about handing out immortality willy-nilly, that just wouldn't be responsible." -O'Shea