Re: A few general questions about Dominions 2
I don't play this game all the time anymore. But I still love it. It has taken the place of Master of Magic (TM) for me.
It is rich in its complexity. And I still have loads of fun against the AI. Some of the folks who post on these forums are really, really good at figuring out AI weaknesses, and there are not building fortresses and building too many independent units and not enough mages. And the entire combat AI (for everyone not just the computer) could use some adjustment so that small units don't distract large groups of ranged units as well as they do now. But the AI offers a challenge even on "Easy."
And an AI that would challenge folks like Endoperez at Dominions 2 would make the game just no fun at all for someone like me who would constantly lose. And a game like this isn't just about learning its internal richness and's about having fun, too.
I like losing to the AI once in a while. And I think losing about 1 in 4 games is the "right" AI setting for me. The AI isn't terribly disappointing to me. And if you read some of the game reviews Dominions has received, the AI consistently beat the reviewer on Easy.
As far as multiplayer is concerned, I would recommend that you get to where you can consistently beat the AI on Easy (maybe even Normal) before you try MP. Because otherwise (unless you are playing with players around your own ability) you are likely to find MP a very frustrating experience.
You should buy the full version of the game, though. It is guaranteed to stay on your computer for years to come if you like strategy games (and assuming it doesn't get replaced by Dom 3).