OT: Refurbished computers?
Has anybody out there ever bought a refurbished computer? What was your experience with it?
I'm looking to get a new machine, partly to reward myself for some recent accomplishments. The wife is agreeable. But our money is tight. It is definitely time to upgrade--our current computer is 5 years old. We have a 400 MHz Win 98 machine with an 8 MB video card and a 20 G hard drive.
Micro Center has refurbished computers, at lower prices of course vs new ones. Perhaps one of those would fit our budget better than a new computer. Slap a 128 MB video card into it and a low-priced sound card... If it would last just a couple years until our financial situation gets better (ie, until I can find a better job)...
"The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife." - Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #48