Re: OT: Lost in the Galaxy? No wonder.
EvilGenius4ABetterTomorro said:
So, I was just thinking; Dark Matter must be invisible because if there is so much of it, why doesn't it interfere with our observation of other stellar objects like other galaxies. You don't hear someone say "I was watching Mars last nite when suddently an orb of dark matter blocked my view"
Dark Matter, Anti-Matter,and little lambs eat ivy.
There's also this assumption, that dark matter in the galaxy is spread on far wider area than normal matter. Scientists call it the "dark matter halo" of galaxy. For example, the diameter of our galaxy is considered to be about 100 000 light years. The diameter of dark matter in our galaxy is assumpted to be around million light years. Which is effectively 10 times more than visible matter in our galaxy. Perhaps you know more of this, Renegade?
If you give a man a fish, he will eat a day;
But if you teach a man to fish, he will buy an ugly hat;
And if you talk about a fish to a starving man, then you're a consultant