kevineduguay1 said:I like the idea of droping the crew survival on some Russian built tanks to 3. I don't think this will effect game play and will reduce the amount of full strength crew walking away from a brew up.
Erm, sorry to interrupt you, but the "survivability" rating you can tweak in MOBhack isn't directly related to the number of crewmen surviving. That should be something Andy already pointed out in a previous post. As far as I can understand it it mainly about the amount of damage an AFV can take once penetrated (the amount of overkill, so to speak) before blowing of. That's the *** you'll notice when you get a non-killing direct hit; it means that there's been some internal damage (one crew disabled, weapon destroyed, ammo reduced, immobilization...). Therefore reducing it on some units on account of risky internal layout will reduce the unit's ability to take heavy damage. As a side effect, it will indeed reduce the crew's surviving chances, but that's not the most of it.
Im going to try some tests and see if this helps. Raising the Warhead size 1 or 2 values should not have to much effect on game play but could reduce crew survival.
Look, the WH size has an influence on many other parameters, like (least significantly) the impact sound and animation, the craterization of the ground, the actual armor penetration...
For one thing, it deals with all warhead types, HE and HEAT as well. Does the fact that a tank uses DU rounds gives him better HEDP rounds? IIRC it also deals with the reload speed and the actual in game ROF. Rise the WHsize and you'll end up with fewer shots on your dear Abrams...

Basically, for guns, the WH size is a translation of the caliber. Has the US army switched to the 140mm gun already?

You may try it of course, but I bet that the side effects will be a surprising overkill, at best. Given that a DU round has all these effects you described (and I don't see why a steel- or tungsten-based rod wouldn't behave more or less the same way, not even mentioning HEAT warheads), the best option IMO is to give it a better penetration, since the penetration overkill (i.e. total penetration available minus total armor encountered) will be one of the most preeminent factors in calculating the inner damage.