Future game versions
I have some ideas.
- Multilangual versions of SPCAMO games. All dialogs and in game texts moust be extractet to txt files like today picklists in SPMBT in preferences panel we have some list where we can take favorites language. One txt files one language. With another games txt files like encyclopedia , formations description etc. we see a normal english txt but if we prepared a special text files with a national sign for example: EndQuote1-PL.txt we can see in game this file in polish version. That organization of translated files schould be good for indenpendent translators so trought the time the game should be aviable in more language versions.
- Basic set of music files in MIDI format why?
You can create your playlist from waw and mp3 but you moust do this finds yours best music clips etc. MP3 and WAW are too big to put them in distribution file so Midi is good for this. Is that posible to made a music depends action in game another for victory , defeat , aircraft atack. Another made for example for SPWW2 a playlists of midi what we can take from preferences panel for example:
nazi music
comunists songs
blues songs
And if we play in scenerio Geremany vs France we hear a mix one german song from nazi music playlist than one french from french playlist and than another german. Player can put in playlists his own MP3 like today but we have more playlists some national some with theme music.