Caribbean Crisis - Its a Go
The joint chiefs of staff look wonderingly at President Kennedy. He has just given the order to begin the invasion of Cuba. Only months after the Bay of Pigs fiasco, they cannot help but hesitate as they ponder the possibility of another disaster. Not again!
The fire in the eye of the young president, however, reveals a determination they have not seen before. "He means business!" thinks the Marine Commandant.
Talking, threatening, warning, all that is over. Now we are going to war.
So get ready! The decision has been made. Caribbean Crisis is going to be done. It will be a campaign that, if I can do what I want to do, will be unlike any SPMBT campaign you've played before. Wish me luck. Don't look for it before sometime in late November or December. We at the Wild Team want to get it right.
(Sorry for the mispelling of Caribbean in the Title. I can do better than that!)

Wild Bill Wilder
Independent Game Consultant
Scenario Designer