You should have seen my face that time a weatherman mentioned a low-athmospheric pressure approaching from west, over the glacier of Jotunheim...

I live in Finland, and the fact that the myths inspiring both Vanheim and Jotunheim have been born very close has always intrigued me. I've gathered tips and bits of information, and enjoyed it a lot. I think Jotunheim has much deeper roots in mythology than, say, Ulm in history.
I agree in that C'tis could be more clearly Egypt-inspired, I still wouldn't change them into humans. The fact that they thrive in warm, not hot, conditions but are severely handicapped in cold is interesting. The Life-Death cycle isn't really visible in Dominions simply because there isn't much healing. Maybe Dominions III will bring us another reason for the C'tissians standing for the nation of unchanging perfection. Have you ever noticed C'tis AI casting Burden of Time seemingly more often than other AIs?