Re: OT: Movies You Have Seen Lately
Batman Begins - 8 out of 10
Pro's - Really good Batman moive with top end supporting actors and a semi-solid story. Great action and finally we get a batmobile that is worthy of the name.
Con's - The Scare Crow is bioutched the back seat and is more of a pawn than a major player. The story line leaves decimates the story established in Batman (The Tim Burton movie) regarding the death of Bruce Waynes parents.
Over all it is a good movie to rent and watch. The DVD sucks as far as features go.
As to buying the DVD, wait, they are obviously going to come out with a special edition. (There are no features on the current DVD. The CDROM stuff is just junk spam.)
Do not put it into your PC DVD player. You have been warned. (Spam)
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