Make online-capable demo
I've been spending a good amount of time with a window open to the lobby the last week (as I was on holidays), and didn't manage to play that many games - the lobby remains empty most of the time. Now, part of this is due to the fact that I keep European times, but still - we need a larger player base.
How about releasing a demo that's capable of limited online play? The demo is nice, but the AI isn't much of a challenge - I can see potential players thinking the price is a bit high for what they can see. A demo that let them play a few online games (say, limit it to 5 online games before it has to be reinstalled and a new login created, and only give access to the first two races) would give them a better taste of what the game really is like when played against a real opponent, and would make it easier for players to advertise the game to their friends.