Re: Abysia CB 5.0 AAR
TURN 148
OK, Wish message: “A bunch of people just showed up in Minto Strait.” That's one of my Sea provinces. Current population 7,140. I have no idea what the previous population was, could the Wish have added as much as 5K?
I’m going to try the Wish again and see if I can target the effect in North Galenwood. Hold everything...there’s also a weird battle report: Six Ulm woodsmen showed up in Minto Strait (underwater!?) with no leader, didn’t down, and routed as soon as the battle started. Coincidence? Or what?
Another weirdness, if I was managing the province like I usually do, the Unrest last turn would have been under 10, but the current reading is 103. I don’t know whether this is part of an anomaly, or whether the province is just recovering from one of those “several hundred” Unrest points I tend to end up with when taking aquatic provinces.
I raze four temples and initiate two assaults. Only the Ulm capital survives to await the arrival of the Devils. I’m not tracking cash anymore—with 9,740 gold unspent this turn, and an income of 7,219, there’s no point. The Wish is the only thing of interest. I try again, wording: “population in North Galenwood.” I also do minor administrative stuff like some builds and troop movements, but only one thing seems important now.
I wonder what will happen.