RedRover said:
Here's one for scenario design:
[Invasion Portal (noncompete): The idea here is that one (or more) nation can draw its national troops only from special portal sites scattered over the map. That nation's goal is to locate and capture as many of these portals as possible--perhaps such portals create a fortification when the designated nation captures them. This might be especially interesting if the invader has stealth troops and can conduct its searching and first part of its campaign in secret.]
This might suggest a #nofort command to prevent the portal nation from building forts of its own (in order to keep a reliance on the portals).
Perhaps special item "keys" might be added to allow invasion portals to be activated or deactivated.
Say, in a really weird mod, the Warhammer universe invades the Forgotten Realms...
Depending on how the national sites are handled, it might be that pre-set, additional starting sites ALSO only allow the owner nation to recruit units. E.g. only Man or whatever nation is modded to hold the 4th nation slot could ever recruit units from Towers of Avalon. If national sites can be modded, lots and lots of recruitable units could just be added to such sites.