Re: When you first meet a race
For me, the biggest factor in how I am going to respond to a First Contact depends on the race descriptions. If it says that they are an Honorable Scientist then I will treat them that way. I often get screwed, however, by people who pic their racial descriptions based on the bonuses not on the roleplaying aspects. I really enjoy reading the history and discriptions of new races. I try to play my games as close to my descriptions as possible and assume that others do the same.
If the race has NOTHING in their description and history, I automaticly assume they are hostile and prepare for war. Whether it happens or not... that's a different story but I prepare nontheless.
"You don't know the Power of the Dark Side. I must obey my Master"
Nick (bearclaw)
You don't know the Power of the Dark Side. I must obey my Master.
Potestatem obscuri lateris nescitis
A+ Se+++ GdY $++ Fr- C+ Csp Sf* AuO M++ MpTFdAM St RTNH Pw++ Fq++ Nd++ Rp++ G++ Mm++ Bb++ L+ Tcp-