Couple of questions
I'm sure these have been asked before, but these are stuff that are left after doing some digging on the forum.
1. I was thinking about trying some of the mods. Can anyone give some reccomendations on some good ones?
2. I haven't played for over a year, and have forgotten pretty much everything. Is there a guide or thread in particular that goes over the basic strategies of orders and such for the combat phase?
3. Playing as Ulm, I have a pretty good item production line going. I have no clue how to kit out the various mages/priests in my army. Any suggestions on some good item combos?
4. Quick question about supply. I constantly run into the problem of starving troops since I like big stacks. Do the various items that aleviate this problem work on the whole stack? Or just troops under the command of the guy holding the item? Can I give these to priests that I bring along for instance?
5. Commanders: Particularly combat oriented commanders...I was wondering if people recruited them with no intention of them ever commanding any troops. Hire a few commanders, kit them out, give them orders to charge and stick them with your normal army stacks?
6. The spell system is so complicated. Do you guys normally give your mages discretion to cast their own spells? Or do you micromanage them and give them specific spells to cast?