The role of a sequel, be it a game, movie, book, has always been a difficult one. If someone feels not enough has been changed the cry goes out that it's nothing but a glorified expansion pack. If someone feels that *too* much has changed, then it's not the game they fell in love with the first time and it might as well have been called something else.
Of course there is another factor at work with game sequels, and that many times players become invested in a game and when they hear of a sequel they essentially come up with their own design docs for what they hope to see. When some--or perhaps all--of what they hoped for aren't in the sequel, it's disappointing.
To me the key for a sequel then is keeping everything that was enjoyable about the first game, honing it, and then slathering more on top of it. Illwinter has been doing this. Likewise, they're a good team when it comes to listening to the fans. Everything that folks want won't end up in the game, but that's not to say they're not listening and perhaps some of what is wanted would be used at a later point.
Oops...wrong reply to...this is meant for the general thread.